Posts tagged chicago
10 Things To Know About Replogle Studios

Hello! We’re so glad you decided to check us out! We know hiring a wedding videographer can be a vulnerable and daunting task. so we appreciate that you’re giving us a shot! To make things as easy as possible, we’ve tried to lay out all the information you might need to make an informed decision!

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Why Are Wedding Videos So Expensive?

Ever wonder why wedding videos are SO expensive? According to The Knott, the average wedding film cost about $1,900 in 2022, and most people don’t just have that kind of cash sitting around.

But at the same time, more and more people these days are realizing that they really want the experience of having their wedding filmed, and more importantly, being able to relive their wedding day. But for a lot of those people, there’s one big barrier in the way: Dollar dollar bills baby!

So why are wedding films so expensive?

There are multiple answers to this, as there are multiple variables to consider with wedding videography. Replogle Studios is an affirming wedding videography studio in the Chicago area, and we’re going to walk you through what we believe are the 5 main reasons why wedding videos are so expensive.

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